弘医堂-孙大夫Sun's Chinese Medicine Clinic



  • 产地: 中国大陆
  • 省份: 其他
  • 净含量: 250g 500g
  • 牛蒡子根功效

    祛风热,消肿毒。治风毒面肿,头晕,咽喉热肿,齿痛,咳嗽,消渴,痈疽疮疥 暖身壮阳 滋补美颜 降压降糖 降脂肪减肥








    Burdock root efficacy

    Dispel wind and heat, reduce swelling and toxin. Treats swollen face due to wind poisoning, dizziness, hot and swollen throat, toothache, cough, diabetes, carbuncle sore and scabies. Warm-up and aphrodisiac, nourishing and beautifying, reducing blood pressure and blood sugar, reducing fat and losing weight

    The practice of burdock root

    1. Fried shredded pork with burdock: 10 grams of burdock seeds, 150 grams of lean pork, 100 grams of shredded carrots, and appropriate amount of seasoning. Decoct the burdock in water and extract the juice for use. Wash and shred the pork, season with burdock seed decoction and starch. Put the vegetable oil in the pot and heat it up, add the shredded pork and stir-fry, then add the carrots and condiments, and fry until cooked. It can clear heat and soothe throat, suitable for wind-heat cold, sore throat, etc.
    2. Braised chicken with burdock root: 500 grams of burdock root, 1 hen, appropriate amount of seasoning. Wash the burdock root, peel and cut into thick slices. Slaughter the chicken, remove the hair, internal organs, and wash the feet, blanch in a pot of boiling water, remove and wash off the blood. Put an appropriate amount of water in the pot, add the chicken to boil, add cooking wine, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, onion, ginger and simmer until the meat is cooked, add burdock slices and cook until delicious, add pepper, and serve. It can warm the middle and replenish qi, expel wind and reduce swelling. It is suitable for diseases such as weakness, weakness, thirst, edema, swollen throat and cough.
    3. Burdock stew: 500 grams of burdock root, 250 grams of pork, and appropriate amount of seasoning. Wash the burdock root, peel and slice. Clean the pork and cut it into pieces. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, add the pork to boil, add cooking wine, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, sliced ​​onion, ginger slices, simmer until the meat is cooked, put in the burdock root slices and simmer until delicious, and serve. It can dispel wind and reduce swelling, nourish yin and moisten dryness.

    Burdock root tea

    Burdock root tea can relieve constipation, reduce weight, and also have a good effect on lowering blood pressure, but it needs to be taken for a long time.

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